Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Close to Jesus

Think of a time in your life when you had a deep sense of God's closeness and felt Christ was the first in your heart and life. What helped created this sense of closeness and connectedness to Jesus?

God only feels close to me when I acknowledge, desire, and pursue Him.

When I wake up and ignore Him, forgetting "This is the day the Lord has made!", I have an empty feeling like I am missing something...( more than breakfast) my arrow/life is hitting a little to the left of my target. Another way to say it is I begin the day by getting up on the wrong side of the bed. The day continues on slightly or horrifically out of whack.

Course If I wake up from my "Worst day ever!" or " Just another Monday" syndrome, I realize there is time to set the day back on track. The kids and I will set aside the books, (science, math, etc.) and pull out The Book. We pray and read God's word and give the rest of the day to Him. We apologize for not thanking Him earlier and ask Him to help us live the rest of the day for Him.

The most wonderful of days are the ones I wake and rise with my eyes on Jesus. I Thank God and chat with the Lord as my best friend while spending time in his word and writing thoughts and prayers down as they come to mind. These days flow smoothly even through rough times and frustrating circumstances. God is brought up naturally, randomly through out the day, as my children freely speak about God and ask questions.

A few days ago my daughter asked me " Why are there so many Jesuses?" In her mind if so many people have Him in their hearts that adds up to a lot of them. I told her that God in spirit is like the air we all breath. It is all air and we all breath it in to survive. Jesus is so huge he is like air. He is able to be everywhere all at once. The next day I get this question: " If God is Jesus and Jesus is God why does God call him his son." "Oh man..." You might be getting nervous thinking there is no way I would know how to explain the trinity to an almost five year old. God promises us if we relax and just trust in him we will have the words we need to say when we need to speak them. Miraculously with the analogy of the three parts of an egg and words I can't remember, I answered her question. It was another Precious moment in my memory bank. Here is another one : My son and I were talking about the grafting of fruit trees. How scientists can graft different kinds of apple branches on to a tree and have one tree producing many different kinds of apples. We decided this was an example of how we all are different people but of the same body of God. We went on to discuss the verse about the branches that are broken off from the Vine and whither and die. Sammy decided that just as the scientist can take a broken branch and graft it back on to the tree so God can also graft us back on to the Vine. That the branches/people withering and dying can still be saved and brought back to life by God's forgiveness. Wow what a close to God, sweet moment that was, talking about God casually with my son believing together in His mercy, grace, forgiveness and love.

I feel closest to God when I purposefully and wholly desire His presence during my day. When I seek Jesus not just to receive, but instead because of my love for him and my desire to be near him. Then I feel his peace, strength, joy, patience, kindness and love flowing through me.
Proverbs 8:17 I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.
God's Love for us is ever so deep and wide... How amazing is His love for us!

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