Each day, each hour, each moment of our lives were meant for us, just for us. We can live each moment to the fullest.
I pray and plead for God to help me live this life I have to the fullest. That he can fill me with the joy I need for each moment, and the peace I need to fill my soul and over come my desire to think about things that are not in the now and perhaps more likely in the never. I am in the Now, the present, not the future or the past. I am right here typing out my thoughts and no where else.
Sure, it is good to think about goals and set them, but not every second of every day. Other wise they are things left half done never with a satisfied, accomplished finish. Sure it is good to look a head and make a schedule. But God's schedule is the one that really matters. If we are always thinking about our own agendas and our own to do lists, what is most important often gets kicked under the bed with the missing socks of days long past.
This day, right now, is the day the Lord has made. This day right now let us rejoice and be glad in it. Right now I have life and I choose to live it radiantly, victoriously moment by moment. Oh to treasure every giggle, see and smell every passing flower, notice the unloved and share the love I have, see the blind and pray that they may see, that I may taste and see that the Lord my God is good every single day, every singly hour. Because he is not just good every once in a while but all the time.
John 10:10niv "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
I love the way the message bible says it:
John 10 7-10 I am the Gate. Anyone who goes through me will be cared for—will freely go in and out, and find pasture. A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.
I pray that today you and I friend may walk in the fullness of all that God would have us be. That we would, on purpose, be in each moment we are in and not let our thoughts carry us off some where else that is for us to be tomorrow. We are missing out on the full embrace of a child's hug, the full meaning behind the words spoken to us by a friend on the phone, the full reason we are standing in the place we are standing to see the hurting lost needing to be found right beside us. We are missing out on the fullness of life that God so desires us to have. I pray God's blessing of peace and the joy he has for us that he desires to complete us with!
Praise God! you are so good! Amen
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