Sunday, March 24, 2013

Walking on Water

      Peter was sitting in a boat rocked by waves. The water was like ice as it slashed at his body. The wind whipped his hair violently against his face.  He was with others, yet at the same time he was completely alone in his thoughts and mind.  He looked up and saw Jesus... Jesus walking on water.  Heart pounding, knowing Jesus believed in him and was calling him out in his heart, he hesitated. Then he dared to believe as he called out into the night, "Jesus if that is you, ask me to come to you?" Jesus Said "Come!" Peter stood in the wind rocked boat and stepped out on to the waves of a stormy sea and he did not sink. He took a step and walked on water. It was only when he looked down, doubting himself that he began to sink. But even then Jesus reached out his hand and saved him from sinking into the violent sea.  ( this story found in Matthew 14:22-33) 

      When was the last time you walked on water? You probably think I am crazy right now asking that question. But I believe we are all being called out to walk on water. It may not be the water of a real stormy sea. In your life it may be speaking up, standing up, stepping out of the boat or sin. It may be all three. Is there some one in your life who you know needs Jesus and you have not shared your story, your hope you've found in God's unconditional Love with them? Is there an abuser hurting someone you love that you just don't think you have the power to do anything about? Is there a sin that you need to confess in order to be done with it once and for all, having someone to  keep you accountable to let it go for good? Jesus stands there before you with out stretched arms holding the power for you to get out of the boat and walk on water. To do the things that you can not do on your own. Will you dare to hope? Will you stand up in belief that nothing is impossible with God? Will you be courageous enough to step out of the boat and walk on water. Yes, the ground is unsteady. Yes, you are going to be completely out of your control to keep yourself from sinking. But that is what trusting in God's power in your life is all about. Sink or swim we are all in when we are trusting and living our lives with Him. 

       Here in Spokane we have a well. It is a place we who rely on Jesus go to find Him and drink from living water when we are thirsty. Right now it meets once every 5 weeks at a church on garland called City Church. I was at the well last night worshiping God and I was called out of my boat.  At first I just stood as everyone else was standing. I knew He had a word that was not just for me to hear. He wanted a mike in my hand and He meant for me to open my mouth and let Him use it. I was shaking inside with uncertainty, my ability in who I am lacks speaking skills. But who He is and His ability lacks nothing.  Praying to God I dared to believe I could do as He asked, that I could walk on water. I told God I would do as he said but only if he made a way. Two seconds later the starter of the Well was standing beside me in the isle. He was about to walk up and grab the mike. I tapped him on the shoulder and beckoned him to talk to me. He asked me what was up and I told him. " I think I am suppose to speak up in front of everyone and tell them what God wants me to say."  He asked "What does He want you to say" When I told him he said "lets do it!" then he looked me in the eyes and asked me "Do you want me to say this to everyone or will you do it?" I could have right then sat back down in my boat of stability and passed on a gift God was trying to give me to someone else. But I didn't. I said "I will do it!"  When the mike was offered into my hand God took over and the words he wanted to say poured out and helped set free those who were listening. 

       You see being used by God is the peak moments in our life that we live for and even though they are scary and involve stepping out of our boats, our comfort zones, they are exhilarating moments to grasp hold of and not pass up.  I compare them to times in my life when I have experienced freedom in short bursts, such as when flying down a mountain on a snowboard not knowing whether you have the ability to stop or not but you don't care for the flying out of your own control moment has astounded you.  For a mom it could be giving birth to a child and seeing him for the first time, so fragile and perfect and wonderful. With your entire being you know you would die first to let anything happen to this precious gift from God. 

      God wants us to live our lives stepping out of the boat. He doesn't want us to have just one moment we can share when we finally did something courageous. He wants our whole lives to be lived unconfined by our own limitations. 

      Dare to pray the prayer:

Lord empower me to do your will. Not for my sake Lord that others may look to me and call me great. Lord I am nothing but the vessel you are willing to use. Use my life to make a difference. Empower me not for the sake of myself to feel empowered, but rather for the sake that Your will be done, and for your name above all names to be Glorified.  Lord I am ready to be called out of my boat. I am Yours, use me! Amen in Jesus Name 

       Peter walked on water. Yes, he did begin to sink when he took his eyes off Jesus and realized by himself alone he could not possibly be doing what he was doing. But when he began to sink Jesus immediately reached down and pulled him out of the sea and they got back in the boat together. Then the storms died down and the sea calmed. What happened then is something to be remembered. The other boat sitters praised Jesus and worshiped him Believing as they stated “Truly you are the Son of God.” 

Your faith in God...the life you live for him is a light for others to see and begin to believe in the one true God, their Savior.  Dare to be willing, to every day, live powerfully on purpose, with God in you, working through you, and by your side leading every step of your way.  

When was the last time you walked on water? Have you ever dared to trust enough to step out of the boat? Look to Jesus. Trust in him. It is time.



  1. God came to destroy the works of the Devil. But I am Satan and you cannot destroy me says the Prince of Darkness for whom God got dethroned.September 7, 2015 at 8:49 PM

    I cant destroy demons says God but I love sending humans to hell.

  2. God unremorsefully wanted Adams spirit broken and his will destroyed Belial entered the worldSeptember 7, 2015 at 8:53 PM

    God shouldn't have called slavery good. That was an atrocity that God would love committing this atrocity against people that He would want them owned like they are cattle. he even wanted Goliath sent to hell at the hands of a murderer called David. God and his Son should have called hypocrisy evil, a sin and a demon. And they should have called slavery and harlotry demons and sins.

  3. Blogging with Jesus goes off the deep end overemphasizing God's son while ignoring a very victorious fallen angel called Lucifer who is winning against the armies of the light of God.September 7, 2015 at 8:57 PM

    Defeating and destroying multitudes of Christians because God loves Satan.

  4. Immoral, impious hypocrites wearing suit jackets, ties and slacks to church with dress shoes looking like materialistic executives on wall street with gaudy ties. And barbaric men and ladies showing their legs, hair and cleavages is sinful and immodest.September 7, 2015 at 10:21 PM

    Its a fact the Devil is in all churches but particularly born again churches where people don't take separation from the world all that seriously anymore. Back then they did it half assed thinking they had to look materialistic where three piece suits. Going to church shouldn't be a time for playing dress up but it should not be a place for people to immodestly show parts of their bodies either such as men's and ladies legs, their cleavages of their busts and ladies hair, that is barbaric. Most Christians today may as well be called philistines. All Christians since back in the day cant even look modest without being gaudy and materialistic even at their weddings. Brides and grooms always look materialistic with those fancy tux and ties. And the immorality and evil hypocrisy of the brides trying to show as much of their deep cleavage as is imaginable.

  5. God should have made only one race,religion and language.September 7, 2015 at 10:25 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Satan who knows you love him when you repeated erase commentsJune 5, 2019 at 9:17 PM

      Its true. That is not what Yahweh would do.

    2. I guess someone here never heard about the bible verse about looking at the speck in your own eye before you look at the plank in someone else's eye. That means you should not pass judgement on what someone says. You pass judgement on the internet God will pass judgement on you for doing it.

    3. Satan who loves it when people violate people speech by erasing their opinions saidJanuary 3, 2020 at 10:34 PM

      I love when you say this these comments are erased and removed which means you are sinning against God by listening to me and demons that are my friends.

    4. The Prince of Darkness Satan is glad you are saying this comment has been erased permanently by a sanctimonious censor being acting like the word police saysMarch 9, 2020 at 12:46 AM

      Nothing says your not a real Christian like removing comments permanently to show that you are holding grudges. God does no have to forgive people on the internet who choose to permanently erase comments on blogs that were supposed to be christian. Even that blog about Satan is more christian.

    5. Satan who knows the bible better than most Christians do saysMarch 9, 2020 at 12:49 AM

      If you want to be forgiven you should have forgiven those who comment here.

  6. How come the Pennsylvania Dutch have become assimilated to the point that they have lost there German accents and dont even care?September 7, 2015 at 10:27 PM

    What's up with that?

  7. How Satan and demons use men that is forced on people against their wills by their wicked and demonic governments to enslave and oppress the people through occupations. Satan also uses the governments to create crime, homelessness and harlotry. Which by the way God should have called harlotry a demonic sin but did not have enough courage to.

  8. I meant to say that Satan the Devil uses money to enslave people with jobs. That's also how the devils invented prisons to take peoples freedom away from them. Satan made Bridgeport prison and every other jail and prison in the world to dehumanize people.

  9. The Devil enters Obama and uses him like all the rest to ruin North AmericaJanuary 19, 2017 at 7:44 PM

    This is true. All we have to do is look at our laws. Do laws like sexual harassment and in general making freedom a crime honor God? No. It does not honor God when people are told how to live and how to travel.

  10. God who contradicts Himself when He spoke about forgiving enemies while not forgiving His own Satan and demons.February 17, 2017 at 11:00 AM

    Its too bad that I did not practice what I had preached in the New Testament. I should have forgiven Lucifer over what seems like eons ago since prehistoric times and his friends to. I should have forgiven them for their rebellion and let them back into heaven as well. If I did then there would not be billions of people living like devils and sinning like devils around the world.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry dude about what happened.

    2. Satan who knows you go to hell for removing this comment and hating God twice saidJanuary 3, 2020 at 8:52 PM

      God is not pleased with this.

    3. Joe who knows erasing comments impolitely and irreverently to violate free speech will not attract more people here to comment sayJanuary 3, 2020 at 10:23 PM

      Its true.

    4. Satan who loves you since you do not want to put Mohammed's comment back where it belongs since you are holding a grudge forever against him and are passing judgement saysMarch 9, 2020 at 12:39 AM

      I am glad that you are listening to me and them. Because if you do not forgive those who comment here God will not forgive you. It says in your bible that if you want to be forgiven you must forgive others. That includes people who comment here even when they say something you may not like.

  12. Its too bad that no one here can say that when they lacked faith it was because the devils were putting doubts in their hearts through sin. That maybe why Peter or any of the disciples could not believe He was walking on water.

  13. Removing peoples comments just because you don't like what they say is not practicing the golden rule and instead is listening to the devils.

  14. Satan who knows this is not a blog that is truly christian since there are comments that have been wrongfully and permanently erased in more than one place here saysMarch 9, 2020 at 12:58 AM

    True Christians do not listen to me and demons by using the internet as a excuse to erase peoples comments by having those comments permanently removed which means the person or people that are doing it obviously have never heard about the golden rule and do not know that God is going to judge them,him or her for doing this. Gods best followers are those who respect peoples opinions like Yahweh's Son did in the bible when He did not erase their comment when they said He has a devil even though He did not like what they said.

  15. God is going to hold you accountable someday for your poor choice of words when you showed cruelty and disrespect removing Muhammed Ali Singh's comment.May 13, 2020 at 10:34 PM

    Its true.

  16. What are you going to say to Yahweh someday because of your crude behavior on the internet when you would not stop saying this comment has been erased by a so-called administrator of a "blog" anyway? What excuse will you have then?May 13, 2020 at 10:41 PM

    You wont have any one.

  17. Someone here must be a lawless criminal who thinks he or she is somehow above Gods law. You are not above Gods law and he will punish you someday for showing disrespect towards someone commenting here and for your unkind words that you have used in saying this comment has been removed by a who?May 13, 2020 at 10:46 PM

    Doesn't matter.

  18. Just because this is a blog does not make you right to waste everyone's time here using unkind words here that you will give an account before God someday when your dead as we all will be someday. Did you know that God is going to judge you someday for not saying anything else here except this comment has been removed by a so-called administrator of a blog?May 13, 2020 at 10:54 PM

    Its true.

  19. God should have made only one race,religion and language comment should not have been erased except by the one who made that comment. Thus you are sinning like a devil against me while hiding behind a screen here like a coward. By the way would you be a sanctimonious censor here if someone else said that John F. Kennedy got killed by Lee Harvey Oswald? If you cant say anything nice here except this comment has been removed. Then why do you work here for if you are supposed to be a christian?May 13, 2020 at 11:02 PM

    Think about that sometime before you go passing judgement on other peoples comments.

  20. Someone here is going to hell someday for being the jerk who could stop saying repeatedly this comment has been "removed". I would not want to stand before God having what you have done wrong to me on my conscience.May 13, 2020 at 11:07 PM

    I would never do that to my worst enemies.

  21. I don't often have a death wish but when I do I just keep hating God without thinking He will send me to hell someday having nothing good to say about peoples comments except to make my own rude and disrespect this comment has been erased comment.May 13, 2020 at 11:55 PM

    Its true.

  22. Some poor excuse for a christian here should have read the bible and what is says about using words before words were said like removed comment that should not have been said. A example is what Yahweh's Son said in the book of Matthew 12:36 That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement that includes being an obnoxious jerk who does not want to say anything else except this comment has been erased. Don't you ever get tired of being such a disgrace to Christians all the time? You are going to give an account before God for always saying this comment has been removed and you wont like where you are going because believe you me its not going to be heaven.May 14, 2020 at 12:02 AM

    Its true.

  23. Did John F. Kennedy get killed by Lee Harvey Oswald? Yes. If that opinion is given here should someone be passing judgement on what was said and erase that?May 14, 2020 at 12:05 AM


  24. Satan used a white man to commit the sin of murder of murder against Martin Luther King Junior. The devils loved that when it happened. Has anyone ever wondered why that is not mentioned here but yet someone has to be a hater and waste a lot of time looking at this screen having nothing good to say except this comment has been erased?May 14, 2020 at 12:15 AM

    What's up with that?

  25. Just as the belief in zombies is from Satan and the devils and Gods Son should not be compared to zombies. Using those words in the same sentence administrator,removed,blog, this comment has been. Those are words that is coming from Satan and the devils. Only Satan's devils would make a person say this comment has been erased by so and so. God is not speaking to you if you think just because this is the internet that you are right when you are one hundred percent wrong.May 14, 2020 at 12:20 AM

    Its true.

  26. A so-called administrator here ought to ask himself or herself what is more important. Yearly harassment by inconsiderately erasing their comments and not saying something as mean and disrespectful as this comment has been erased or forgiving them and following Christ's example and leaving their comments and opinions alone. Because you cannot be a moderator or whatever you want to call yourself and be a Christian at the same time.May 14, 2020 at 8:40 PM

    That is not how it works in the real world.

  27. Christianity and becoming a so-called administrators and moderators is like oil and water. You know that does not mix don't you? Because you are dishonoring God every year here when you waste your time staring at this screen you hide behind repeatedly and monotonously saying the same thing over and over again like a broken record this comment has been removed. Why can't you get a life like everyone else and leave peoples comments here alone anyway?May 14, 2020 at 8:45 PM

    Somebody forgot about do unto others as you would have them do to you.

  28. I know what I would do if I was someone here and really cared about where I am going to be when I am dead. I would restore the comments that I inconsiderately erased without any just cause. By being a dick for Satan which is what wasting years saying this comment has been removed is really saying is that I would rather burn in hell than forgive peoples comments and show them mercy by restoring their comments. Did they not ever teach you in church that Yahweh's Son never disrespected the pharisees for calling him a demon by erasing their idea from the bible permanently for life till their deaths. Why do you do that for? You cant be a dick here and still call yourself a christian. Being a dick and a christian is like oil and water. It does not mix.May 14, 2020 at 8:54 PM

    Think about that.

  29. Is somebody here who thinks he or she is a so-called administrator really a "christian"? When someone chooses to never forgive what was said maybe he or she should have become either a atheist or better yet a satanist. Because satanists never forgive people. This blog that in my opinion really sucks somebody could have used a little attitude adjustment.May 14, 2020 at 9:00 PM

    Its true.

  30. What are you and others here hoping to accomplish by repeatedly saying over and over again this comment has been removed by a "blog" "administrator" anyway? This behavior of Tabitha and someone else is very unbecoming of anyone who is professing themselves to be Christians.May 14, 2020 at 9:10 PM

    Its true.

  31. Your blog could use a lot of improvement. Like in someone's attitude that leaves a lot to be desired. Just as yours does since you cant ever say a word about how God had David kill Goliath and how Satan exists but you listen to him by never talking about him here all the time. And there is never mentioned here a single word about demons,hell and eternal damnation to those who don't repent of saying this comment has been erased or removed either.May 14, 2020 at 9:13 PM

    Its true.

  32. What are your motives for listening to Satan and the demons for money that you wont apologize for the comments that you inconsiderately erased and wont restore here where it belongs anyway? Did you know that in the bible it says that you cannot serve God and mammon? Just like you cannot say you love God and still want to keep saying this comment has been "removed" by a "blog" "administrator which means that you are still full of Satan right now as you look at this screen because you cant forgive those who comment here.May 15, 2020 at 1:54 AM

    Why not let it go?

  33. How many years are going to continue to be wasted in vain saying over and over again that your comment has been deleted anyway? No matter what words are used this is like vanity and vexation of spirit. What would be proven if by twenty thousand and forty that people here are still wasting valuable time saying this comment has been removed anyway? Thinking with your head and not your heart would have been advisable and much smarter than what you are doing to wrong others here or just one person here. What is done here is wrong.May 15, 2020 at 1:59 AM

    Its true.

  34. If someone here knew what repentance and a apology is that is what I would be doing right now. I would be saying I am sorry for saying at least four times this comment has been "removed" by a "blog" "administrator" and ask God to have mercy on me for making it a point to spite you and hold every word you said in your comments against you for life as though you were some kind of criminal by using Isaiah 29:21 against you because I am full of the devils right now and I refuse to repent and turn from this evil I am doing on the internet on this blog. I would say Lord forgive me for my show of disrespect,hostility and hatred towards the truth of what he said and help me to let his comments go and not to harbor a grudge against him. Help me to forgive him so that I can be forgiven. Show me why erasing comments is wrong and help me to respect what he says and give him the chance instead to erase what he has said.May 15, 2020 at 2:06 AM

    That is what you should be saying right now.

  35. Every year wasted saying a comment has been erased is going to put a curse on this blog right now and no one is not going to want to say anything as long as someone is inconsiderately erasing peoples comments without thinking about their feelings which is really cruel to do that to anyone that you never saw before in your life. here as long as there is someone hiding behind a screen who is being a impenitent devil.May 15, 2020 at 2:14 AM

    Its true.

  36. Yahweh's Son said you cannot serve two masters because either you will love the one and hate the other. That always applies to how anyone is wronged here by a unremorseful so-called administrator who forgot you cannot serve God and work on the internet inconsiderately erasing comments in a rude and disrespectful manner and really think that is going to make Yahweh happy. He is disappointed in you for wasting this year saying this comment has been removed. And it is also really hurtful when you don't care about anyone else's feelings but your own when you are only in it for the money and not instead practicing Christianity by forgiving what is said rather than punishing them by wasting countless hours saying this comment is erased or however you wish to say it.May 15, 2020 at 2:20 AM

    That is wrong.

  37. You cannot call yourself a christian and do what you know here is wrong. That makes you a hypocrite who is also a coward like a lot of people are on the internet because they are always hiding behind a screen. Sinning against people by wrongfully erasing their comments is not the kind of legacy I would want to leave behind if I was in your shoes. If I was smart though it would have been a good idea to restore their comments and make what was said that needlessly disappeared to make those comments and the words there appear here again.May 15, 2020 at 2:26 AM

    That would have have made a much better impression on everyone in the world.

  38. If you still wont forgive those who comment here God will not forgive you because you want to keep the comments permanently erased for life which is wrong that you are doing this evil for the money that you love instead of God.May 15, 2020 at 2:28 AM

    That is true.

  39. How many more years and our time will you waste till your death punishing me by keeping my comments erased and removed by having nothing better to say than this comment has been "removed" anyway? Because it is painfully obvious to me that you love hiding like a coward behind a screen and erasing comments but if someone asked you a question either to your face or not you do not seem to have anything to say about why punish anyone here indefinitely by having their comments erased forever like you think you are God. Its called infinite punishment for a finite crime. Why are you doing that to me for? What did I do to you to deserve this?May 16, 2020 at 8:56 PM

    What ever happened to commonsense?

  40. Is saying this comment has been removed by a moderator who should not be called a administrator till the second coming of Christ really going to accomplish anything for you and her if you still have so much of Satan and the devils inside of you? Do you ever ask yourself why you have no conscience of right and wrong? God had a conscience in the bible.May 16, 2020 at 9:03 PM

    Where's your conscience?

  41. God always judges those who wont stop judging others like how there is one who's comment's were wrongfully judged and inconsiderately removed and rudely and disrespectfully erased permanently for Satan's pleasure and that of the devils to do their will. This is making Satan's devils so happy on this blog that someone here wants to give Gods enemies the victory on the internet.May 16, 2020 at 9:13 PM

    Its true.

  42. Satan and demons are delighted that someone's mistake of saying this comment has been removed stays on the internet foreverAugust 11, 2021 at 1:06 PM

    Its true.

  43. Congratulations to the sanctimonious censor who said more than once is comment has been removed which is just another way of saying I wrongfully erased what you said you dishonored God for your love of moneyAugust 11, 2021 at 1:19 PM

    Its true.
