Thursday, August 9, 2007

Learning from Great minds

DATE: 07/31/2007 MOOD: full of life

What Every Sunday School Teacher Should Know By Elmer L. Towns
I haven't read this book yet so I may not be an expert on teaching Sunday
School. But Something tells me I might already know a thing or two. The
advertisement featuring this book title said that Elmer L Towns is "one
of the nation's leading experts on Sunday School." I wonder just how
one goes about getting a title like that. Is it by serving in that area
of need. Or by studying the mind of a child through psychology. I am
just curious. My guess is that it is a sales technique. Why would anyone buy a book written on the education of children written by a mechanic or a plummer. Plumbers, mechanics, carpenters even , might just have a plethora of God given knowledge on the do's and don't of
teaching Sunday School. But we just would not go out and buy a book
written by the likes of them unless of course it was written on their
given trade. Makes sense I guess.We just would not trust them as much
as a professional national expert at Sunday School. Don't get me wrong
I am not trying to beat up on the guy or anyone for that matter. Elmer
just might deserve his title. But I am just saying all this to help us
keep in mind that just because it makes sense to trust those who have
proven they know best by having a title and status does not mean it is
all good and right. Is it completely biblical? It is written that God
uses the most unlikely. He used the foolish to bring forth his
miracles. I am scribbling out these words today in hope to remind us ,
myself as well, to keep our eyes open and our hearts ready. The next
person walking our way, message in hand, straight from our Father in
Heavens heart, may not be wearing a suit and tie. Perhaps not even a
fancy light blue polo with khaki pants. It might be in the form of the
grease monkey (no offense intended my dad's a mechanic) crawling out from under your oil leaking car. It might even be out of the mouth of red Popsicle stained lips. A child looking
up to you wide eyed has words of wisdom you need to hear. It may be
you! Not that you need to hear your own voice any louder. But you could
be the one God has been waiting to use as his messenger. Have you had
people on your mind lately? God wants you to reach out not in a scary
"I have a word from the Lord" kinda way. More like a hey my name
is_____________ and you are? Or hey been thinking about ya! I was
wondering if you would like to go have some coffee some time or meet at
the park and chill with me while the kids run off a micro measurable
amount of energy.

My point is we don't have to bare a long
elegant title to be used of God. I am sure Elmer has a delicious
message written out for us to hear. I betcha he laughed at the title
given him. "What ever it takes to gets your message out there Lord" he
must have said. I know if it were me they were talking about having
played with children and taught them since I was a 4-H leader in High
school, Sunday school teacher too many years to count, and not to
mention I am a mom. I'd be laughing hysterically.

Be blesses
by sticky kisses, plastic crowns, God green, and the smell of
play-doh this day and everyday! Learn from the great minds planted all
around you. Never over look another word of wisdom meant to spark life
into your very being. Never under estimate and take for granted another
tender smile that between each dimple is a mile long heart felt " I
love YOU!"


  1. Would Yahweh's Son do to one of His disciples like what a parents daughter would do to her youngest brother by turning him into a bum through a eviction notice and then when that is not successful because of lies that were made up would make up some more lies to get a restraining order on him anyway when he has has not done anything wrong?October 23, 2020 at 12:25 PM

    Gods Son would never do that to any of His disciples.

  2. Would God send daughters to hell for lying on a eviction notice just to make their brothers homeless and when that has not worked would use papers with lies to get a restraining order on their youngest brothers who have not done anything wrong anyway? He would send bad daughters like that to hell for disrespecting their parents and youngest brothers for not apologizing to their families.October 23, 2020 at 12:35 PM

    Its true.

  3. Any daughter should apologize both to God and their family and brother for wanting their youngest brother to become a bum and afterward when that has not worked also spitefully made up lies on papers to get a restraining orderOctober 23, 2020 at 12:38 PM

    Its true.

  4. Why do they always have to show the day, month and year when someone has put their comment here anyway?April 21, 2022 at 3:25 PM

    Hmm. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
