Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Lights On But Nobodies Home

The light is on, but nobodies home.

You ever encountered anyone that you could describe in that way? I can at times just waking up in the morning looking into the mirror.

Seriously though I have had many close encounters with the real kind. The light is on so you decide to knock.
"Hey the sign in your window says you got Jesus so how's all that working out for ya."
Just as quickly as the words slip from my mouth the sparkle
is gone. The light goes out and a clouded unidentified substance
replaces it. The mouth opens and gibberishly remarks "mind
your own business" in not quite the same words but stated plain as day
between the lines.

What part of "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and love others as your self" do people mis comprehend? We have 2 things to do as "Simply His" Love GOD and
love Others. Right? Right.

Still others you will knock and actually get a kind response and think there is hope. They smile and the light stays on. They might even tell you what's going down at their church that weekend and their involvement in helping out in certain areas. They feel a little safe chatting with you at their door step. Not letting you past, heaven forbid, but at arms length away with space
for a clear get away.

Then there are those with out a detectable light because they are too busy trying to fan their own flame. They float around as if all is well and nothing ever bad happens to them cause they got it going on. They boast and pride themselves over knowing the will of a God. They get in others face and tell them how to live and not live. This is usually the kind I try and keep in
what some people call shape, (others call a diet of only one donut a day,) so I can at a moments notice get up and runaway as fast as my stubby legs can sprint.

Rare and precious few are those whom the light is on and believe it or not they not only answer the door but welcome you in with open arms. Rarely do people shake hands and reply "Nice to meet you!" and actually really truly mean it. But these people do. You can tell by their sincere smile and willingness to just listen really hearing what you have to say.

So I ask you dear friends is your light on? Do you hide it under a light shade and only let an
occasional fellow light bearers get a glance? What's hidden in your hearts pocket? Do you shut down when people ask you about your joy? What do you have that is so special? Maybe you throw the doors of your heart open and let Christ love as he desired to love. Do you mean it
when you ask how someone is doing? Do you wait anxious for their response?
I dare you to love the broken, the lost, those whom the world deems unlovable. We need to let the light meant to set us free, sparked by our belief in Jesus, shine.

I don't know about you but I know when I look in the mirror I fall short. The concept of loving God with all my heart comes to life. I find myself realizing to love Him, to show Him I love Him, is to love others. But to be able to show the love and embrace those who most need Him is a work in progress. But don't feel bad. Don't give up! Try doing what I try to do. Just give God something to work with. Change your attitude first thing in the morning from "it's all about me and my plans for today", to "may this day be all about you God and your plans carried out by my willingness to be used by you!"

May our lights always shine and may God continue to teach us to be home to show up and answer the door when those seeking knock. May we care enough to embrace them and let them in. Amen

Luke 8:16 "No one lights a lamp and
hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he puts it on a
stand, so that those who come in can see the light.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps that is what happened in the Old Testament when they mentioned when Jepththah disrespected his daughter and yet someone had to be a jerk and could not mention if he killed his daughter or notApril 16, 2022 at 3:08 PM

    Why is that even in the bible for anyway? If what he did is being censored in the bible that must make the Old Testament no better than the internet.
