Saturday, August 20, 2011

Remarkable Distraction

The Lord almighty made Adam as a companion for himself. The Lord desired a relationship with Adam. However Adam walking in the Garden chatting with God alone was not satisfying enough. I imagine it going something like this.

"So mm  God you know what I named that animal with the flappy wing a things?"
"mmm Yes... How about the four legged furry little jumper over yander?"
silence....silence...."SO you gave me this task of naming the animals to make me feel important. Some how it loses that effect since you still know every thought that comes to my mind thus knowing what I am naming them before I do myself."  " Do you think you could just humor me and pretend I know something you don't when we chat?

"What did I call that furry hehaaing hooved creature?"
"Adam what did you call it?"
"MMM well I called an...oh you already know."

" Yes Ass is an unusual name. You were riding it at the time of naming it weren't you?"

"You know everything!"

"Yes I do."

Genesis 2:18 The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

Have you ever had a best friend? Or perhaps a brother that you loved dearly and wanted to keep all for yourself forever? I had a brother who got married young. I adored him and he was the one I always wanted to spend my time with. I wanted to hate his new wife. I wanted to despise her. She not only took the time that my brother used to spend with me. He moved out of our home and I no longer saw him hardly ever. He was too distracted by the love of his life to keep a little kid sister the center of any part of his life. Sure, I knew he loved me somewhere down deep in my heart. I mostly felt I had lost him.

How amazing of God, knowing man through and through to make for him Eve. The greatest distraction ever created. God made Adam a help mate to keep him company. God loved both Adam and Eve. He walked and talked with them in the garden. But you can bet that things were not the same ever again. God was not the complete center of Adam's world any longer. But the love of our God is so great, So wide and so deep, truly no one can fathom it. He put the love for Adam first before the reason he created him in the first place, to have a relationship with him. God loved Adam so much that he made for him someone to love, someone that if he so chose, he could love even more than God his father, his creator, his reason for existing.

I learned to love my new sister inlaw. How can you hate someone that makes someone you love so happy. And so it is with God. He is a jealous God. He desires us to put our relationship with him first. But he also knows us through and though and understands our need for a helpmate in our life. He is and always be our first love, love baring through all our hard times, ups and downs. Our Daddy is always there waiting for us to chat with him, longing to hear our voice, longing to be the center of our world again. 

How remarkable of God to create us such a profound distraction from him, just because he cares about whether or not we are happy!

Isaiah 55:8-9  “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.
 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." 

1 comment:

  1. Lucifer who deceived Adam and Eve successfully saysMarch 10, 2020 at 10:19 PM

    What is she saying? That is what? Remarkable and distraction should not be used in the same sentence.
